Sabah Vfm

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About Sabah Vfm

RTM operates Sabah VFM, which transmits from Kota Kinabalu. This radio station broadcasts in four local languages, namely Kadazan, West and East Coast Bajau, Murut, and Dusun, as well as two foreign languages, namely English and Chinese.

More Information

Sabah VFM was established in the late 1930s. Every day, the radio station broadcasts live the newest news, information, entertainment programs, and music. Their main event are Berita Hakka Tempatan, Selamat Pagi, Sabah, Lagu Patriotik, Sekitar Sabah VFM online and Ulasan Berita.



Language: Kadazan-Dusun, Malay, English, Chinese

Email: [email protected]

Contact Number: +088-225025

Address: Jabatan Penyiaran Malaysia, Sabah KM 2.4, Beg Berkunci 2022, 88614 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia

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Sabah Vfm